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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011
Pap smear test - Medical guidelines
This is test more commonly used to detect cancers in the female body. The procedure is basically performed to collect cells from the cervix for study. The cells are examined under the microscope. Abnormalities are recorded and treatment methods are employed if needed.
The guidelines for the Pap smear test are advocated by healthcare experts across the globe. The National Cancer Institute has given a detailed report on the execution of the procedure, frequency, etc.
The key points that need to be followed are:
The test can be performed by clinicians. These are medical professionals who are specifically trained for such testing. Experts, Physicians, Midwives, etc are the people who can carry it out.
The test is categorized as a gynecological test. It is performed to study the health and fitness of female organs such as vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, rectum, and other organs of the pelvic region.
The test is important because it can help in detection of diseases such as cervical cancer which can develop in the cervix region of the woman. The main objective of this test is to discover cells which do not function normally and which can lead up to tumors and cancers. Benign tumors, inflammations and infections can also be detected by this method
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the screening must begin at the age of 21 years. The screening must be undertaken every 2 years. This frequency of testing can be decreased after the age of 30 to once in three years.
If abnormalities are reported, the individual might need to undergo further medical procedures for analysis and confirmation of the condition.
A woman who has been vaccinated for the HPV virus should also undergo the screening. Since the Pap smear test is basically done for cervical cancer which is caused by the HPV virus, it is presumed that a woman who has been vaccinated for the same may not need to undergo the test. This is an incorrect presumption because the body is not protected against all HPV viruses.
Vaccines for ultimate protection are not yet developed and hence, the Pap smear test is very essential and vital for women.
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
Posted By : doni
You Can Gender Test Your Unborn Child!
The technology has been tested for the last 14 years - and it works! I am amazed that it is possible. When I was pregnant the last time I got the test – which was very easy to understand and perform. The result came within less than 48 hours, and my husband and I was very happy to learn that I was carrying a baby girl. Our two sons were delighted about their baby sister to come. When the baby girl was born, we had made everything ready for her. No worries about getting pink or blue clothes.
The test is done with cutting-edge, patent-pending technology to attain the earliest gender detection with unprecedented sensitivity and unsurpassed accuracy.
The technique traces the amount of active genetic fetal chromosomal DNA in the maternal blood to determine gender. It is proven, well-documented scientific fact that your baby releases its DNA into your blood plasma. In a lab it is possible to determine fetus-originated-specific chromosome sequence detected in the maternal blood stream.
If there is fetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence detected in your blood, you are currently carrying at least one baby boy.
If fetus-originated X-specific chromosome sequence is detected in your blood, you are currently carrying at least one baby girl.
If there is a substantial amount fetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence detectable in your sample, indicating that you are carrying at least one baby boy and there is a substantial amount of fetus-originated X-specific chromosome sequence detected in your blood, indicating that you are carrying at least one baby girl. Then you are currently carrying at least one baby girl and boy at this time.
"I Thought I Was Infertile But Contrary To My Doctor's Prediction, I Got Pregnant Twice and Naturally Gave Birth To My Beautiful Healthy Children At Age 43, After Years of "Trying".
You Can Too! Here's How…"
Chinese Medicine Researcher, Alternative Health and Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and Former Infertility Sufferer Teaches You How To:
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When I finally figured that out along with what was going on in the billion dollar a year Infertility and drug industries, I decided I had to take action so I put things on paper and began guiding other Infertility sufferers using this new system I developed. Now, for the first time ever, the same pregnancy system that helped thousands of women all over the world to get pregnant naturally and quickly, and give birth to healthy children, is available to you in a single, jam-packed, 240 page e-book:
a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 65,000+ hours of alternative medicine expertise with holistic and Chinese medicine research for getting pregnant quickly and naturally. This is a very rare, highly unique and potently powerful Infertility healing system, which very few women even know exists…
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted By : Doni
Spesial for Hertriadi
Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
Fertility Armlet and Pregnancy
For many years ladies have long Decked themselves with a fertility Bangle, some jewelry or charms, with hopes that energy held in these pebbles will Build up their fertility. The several worldwide cultures have long supported the Concept that natural powerful fertility energy was held In the pebbles, so it was made a portion of their customs to Deck themselves with the Expectation of becoming pregnant. Within celebration of their Feminine right of passage and fertility, they would adorn themselves by Darning fertility pebbles within their garments.
The modern-day traditions will Hold the thought that Exclusive gemstones could Assist women thought to not have the ability to become pregnant to boost her odds of getting pregnant. Whether or not the fertility Ornaments has any Potential to enhance fertility, could be determined by the end outcome achieved once you've worn the ovulation bracelet or fertility charm for some time.
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There isn't Simply a single form of fertility Rock, Diverse cultures will possess their own Exclusive native pebbles such as a pearls additionally called a "love stone," thought to possess a lot of Influence to promote total reproductive system well-being and health. Rhodonite will additionally be considered to be a great fertility Rock utilized in Cheering a lady's emotional behavior.
Chrysoprase will be a type of fertility stone considered to bring about happiness, calm nerves and provide compassion. Moonstone is used for nurturing Openness. To assist with the female's blood circulation, the Bloodstone will be considered Useful in aiding overall health within boosting fertility by alleviating your body of any blood clotting disorders.
Vessonite, a green garnet, is considered to possess powerful energy that creates an environment for stable pregnancy. Each one of these manifestation crystals in the Quartz family will be an ideal Variety when determining what fertility stone within a Bangle that will be perfect for you, due to its natural Power to Form "family clusters" upon its own.
When trying to Pick what fertility bracelet is Proper for you, you must Consider the end determination as if you'd decide upon any additional jewelry. The Distinctive pebbles which "speak" to you will Perhaps be the ones you need. Whether you Opt for to buy a piece of fertile jewelry or make the fertility bracelet upon your own, decorating yourself with every bit of the fertile power from pebbles of a fertility bracelet will be yet an Extra aid in realizing your objective of becoming pregnant.
For more information on getting pregnant fast, click here:
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
Posted By : Doni
Four Strategies for a Quick and Natural Conception
1. Stay Hydrated. Your body produces cervical mucus each month that protects your partner's sperm and guides them through your reproductive system to the egg waiting in your fallopian tube. If you're not drinking enough water, your body may stop making cervical mucus to conserve moisture. This may impair your ability to conceive quickly and naturally. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, drink plenty of water so that your natural reproductive system can perform optimally.
2. Start a Preconception Notebook. To increase your odds of conceiving quickly and naturally, you need to track a few vital details about your unique fertility cycles. Journal the details of your menstrual periods, including when they start, how long they last, and how many days pass between your cycles. Also take note of the days you ovulate and the times you and your partner make love. These personal fertility statistics can prove very helpful to your doctor if you have trouble getting pregnant quickly.
3. Have Intercourse! This strategy probably sounds strikingly obvious, but many hopeful couples aren't making love at the optimal times to get pregnant naturally and quickly. After you ovulate, the window for conception is likely less then 24 hours. If you wait to have intercourse until the day you think you are ovulating, you are probably too late! Sperm can live and remain active in your fallopian tubes for 3 to 5 days. To increase your chances to conceive each month, your egg should be released to waiting sperm. Have intercourse daily, or every other day, in the four to five day window leading up to ovulation and one to two days after ovulation occurs. If you are having a difficult time pinpointing your monthly ovulation, track your signs of fertility or consider using an ovulation detector kit.
4. See Your OB - Don't wait until you see a positive pregnancy test before making an appointment with your family doctor or midwife. A pre-pregnancy visit can increase your odds of a quick and natural conception by allowing your health care provider to screen you for possible conception problems before they arise. She can also answer any questions you might have about trying to conceive and prescribe prenatal vitamins and a pre-pregnancy diet and exercise program that may help you conceive faster.
Enjoy this exciting time in your life and try not to become too anxious. Conceiving a baby may take a few months, but using these four strategies may help to get pregnant more quickly and naturally, without unnecessary medical intervention.
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted by : doni
Rabu, 27 Juli 2011
Pap smear test - Medical guidelines
This is test more commonly used to detect cancers in the female body. The procedure is basically performed to collect cells from the cervix for study. The cells are examined under the microscope. Abnormalities are recorded and treatment methods are employed if needed.
The guidelines for the Pap smear test are advocated by healthcare experts across the globe. The National Cancer Institute has given a detailed report on the execution of the procedure, frequency, etc.
The key points that need to be followed are:
The test can be performed by clinicians. These are medical professionals who are specifically trained for such testing. Experts, Physicians, Midwives, etc are the people who can carry it out.
The test is categorized as a gynecological test. It is performed to study the health and fitness of female organs such as vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, rectum, and other organs of the pelvic region.
The test is important because it can help in detection of diseases such as cervical cancer which can develop in the cervix region of the woman. The main objective of this test is to discover cells which do not function normally and which can lead up to tumors and cancers. Benign tumors, inflammations and infections can also be detected by this method
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the screening must begin at the age of 21 years. The screening must be undertaken every 2 years. This frequency of testing can be decreased after the age of 30 to once in three years.
If abnormalities are reported, the individual might need to undergo further medical procedures for analysis and confirmation of the condition.
A woman who has been vaccinated for the HPV virus should also undergo the screening. Since the Pap smear test is basically done for cervical cancer which is caused by the HPV virus, it is presumed that a woman who has been vaccinated for the same may not need to undergo the test. This is an incorrect presumption because the body is not protected against all HPV viruses.
Vaccines for ultimate protection are not yet developed and hence, the Pap smear test is very essential and vital for women.
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted By : Doni
What Is the Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis Question Answered!
What is the treatment for bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a question many BV sufferers are sincerely searching an answer to. This article will help you to throw more light on how to treat BV. But first, understand the fact that bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal infections. Although it is believed that it is not a sexually transmitted disease, it is the most common infection among women who are sexually active.
What are the Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis?
In a literal sense, BV is caused by an imbalance in the mix (i.e. good and bad) bacteria in the private part of a woman's body. While it is true that there are risk factors that can be attributed to BV, there is no clear cause of it.
Though it may be difficult to say that bacterial vaginosis is harmful, it is really irritating and embarrassing to the sufferer. To a larger extent, it will not be wrong to say that this unbearable situation may put a woman at an increased risk to miscarriage, sexually transmitted disease as well as premature birth.
I know that you have been frantically searching for an answer to what is the treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Well, the common BV treatment is the use of antibiotics. The use of antibiotics is an anti-bacterial treatment which you should use only by your doctor's prescription. But there is a caveat here though. Majority of antibiotics users have complained of reoccurrence after successful treatment.
However, there is also the bacterial vaginosis natural treatment which many sufferers who have used it are raving about. They said they have been permanently cured and there have been no reoccurence. You can do your due diligence to find out if natural remedy for BV is what you should apply to prevent reoccurrence.
I have listed some of the common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis below to know if any of it applies to you.
-Abnormal gray or milky white discharge
-Frequent itching and irritation
-Bad and unbearable vaginal odour
-Pains when you have sexual intercourse or urinate
Generally, because vaginal infections can cause inflammation of the vagina, it is very expedient you find an answer to what is the treatment for bacterial vaginosis. In case you are at sea between the difference of bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and yeast infection; it is important to note that yeast infection does not generally have odour and trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease.
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted by : doni
Selasa, 26 Juli 2011
What are the definitions of obesity for Adults and Children?
What are the definitions of obesity for Adults and Children?
Because of the high quality of life and also the high pressure of the people we met! So that there are more and more people have overweight problem! But in these process, wrong weight loss method will also cause more serious problems! To recognize the definitions of obesity for both Adults and Children is the first step we should do for weight loss!
Overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight loss that are greater than what is generally considered healthy for a given height. The terms also identify ranges of weight that have been shown to increase the likelihood of certain diseases and other health problems.
Definitions of Obesity for Adults:
For adults, overweight and obesity ranges are determined by using weight and height to calculate a number called the "body mass index" (BMI). BMI is used because, for most people, it correlates with their amount of body fat.
An adult who has a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight.
An adult who has a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.
Definitions for Children and Teens:
For children and teens, BMI ranges above a normal weight have different labels (overweight and obese). Additionally, BMI ranges for children and teens are defined so that they take into account normal differences in body fat between boys and girls and differences in body fat at various ages.
With this definition, you can see how many pounds that you are getting overweight and how many pounds that you need to cut down!
If you want to reduce weight in a fast speed, you can take our 1 day diet pill, 2 day diet pill and super slim! This diet pills can make you lose weight in half a month! However, you should continue take those pills for 3 months, so that you can not get rebound!
If you are overweight for only 5-10 pounds, you can take our weight loss coffee or tea to lose weight slowly. Our weight loss coffee or tea will make you lose weight as daily care!
If you have get rebound for many times, you can take our meizitang soft gel weight loss capsules and the slimming coffee or tea together!
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted by : doni
What Is Belly Fat? Foods that Burn Belly Fat
Today's Fashion weight symbols are of very unhealthy lifestyles, go back in time the fashion models looked a lot healthy, brighter, non-drained and happier, its the commercial market pressure that turns weight loss into a competitive market, missing the real value of the person you! Your body, not a competition tool.
Secret is to feel healthy in yourself, and not compare yourself as we are all unique in our own ways.
Recognize Belly Fat Signs?
To be close to the bone, belly fat build up is waist deposit, in your stomach and even feeling all blown up can be sign. There is a big difference between overeating and not been able to be active and been bloated. They are easily visible round the sides of your belly, then you need yo become a little more active and highly advisable to change your eating habits. There are plenty of signals if we pay attention to ourselves a little morewe would notice our trousers getting too tight or as women would put it, increased love handles.
Gained belly fat is a challenge to beat off!
Your belly is a big fat trapper like a fishing net and is caught easily, once caught it is a tough task of getting rid of that belly fat untangling that fishing net and getting rid of all that excess fat. The problem is we have too much pleasure in eating and forgetting to be active that the net can fill quite quickly. The fast food restaurants and commercial food markets throw more nets out there. The biggest challenge is in fact mental and you are challenging your own taste buds, because junk foods and sweet foods taste sooooooooo good. And on most cases is a dangerous addiction as food serves as an emotional comforter and escalates depression.
Get Rid Abdominal Fat
To shake that belly fat off is no easy task. There are however plenty of success stories, especially on the rep carpet scenes of yo-yo dieting watch is very un healthy as this will effective you digestive system and energy levels. the only way is to loose weight is slowly and keep it off and have lots of fun!! And the best way to do this is change the way you think and feel about food and yourself. You will have to think hard about your eating habits, your level of activity and love for your own body. To do this is a huge mental challenge and is far more achievable with support and guidance, and a program that suits you. As the idea is to get your body and lifestyle into a different rhythm so one day it becomes second nature, habit in other words.
The firs step is to understand more about foods and what they do to your body and what foods burn fat and the nutritional value attach to them. So if you could combine the two your positive mental drive and knowledge of food you are sure to be on the road to success.
There is one man who does focus on mental drive and food nutrition, in fact is certified nutritionist, author and a personal trainer, this video could change your life, watch here Just sit and enjoy the movie, take notes! Now you will know what foods add to belly fat and what belly fat is.
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted by : doni
Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011
What diseases can cause toothache?
What diseases can cause toothache?
Author: Dean
When dental caries (tooth decay) to a certain depth, close to the pulp or pulp, the bacteria within the cavity can be directly or through the dentin tubules and into the pulp cavity, causing pulpitis. Pulpitis caused by pain is extremely difficult to endure, there is no stimulus in the case of the outside world, can produce severe spontaneous pain, pain is intermittent. Most patients sleep at night when the pain is more severe, because the head when supine than standing in a lower position, the pulp cavity more congestion, so that the intramedullary pressure increase and the nerve, so the pain is more severe. Hot and cold stimuli can increase the pain. Pulpitis often suffer Dental Reviews pain when radiation along the trigeminal nerve distribution to the ipsilateral upper and lower teeth and head and face, so patients often hemi headache temple pain symptoms. As the nerve endings inside the pulp is not only the pain receptors and positioning receptors, so patients tend to differentiate between what is Bingya unclear, but sometimes the pain is felt under the toothache. If the development of dental caries pulpitis, when pain is more intense, showing tenderness, heat stimulation to increase, and cold stimulation can ease pain, patients often prefer this with a cold. Further development to the root inflammation, the patient feels teeth tall, with Bingya not bite.
Periodontal disease
Periodontal disease can cause two different kinds of pain. The most common is chewing pain. As the periodontal tissue inflammation, periodontal pocket suppuration, leaving patients bite is very painful. Another cause of pain and dental caries pulpitis similar. Mainly because when the teeth are very loose, the bacteria from the periodontal pocket to reach the end of the root of the root end of the hole, and then the root end of the hole into the pulp cavity caused by pulpitis and pain.
Wedge-shaped defects and abrasion
The elderly because the teeth have been used for decades, tooth occlusal surface of teeth and tooth wear neck defects are quite serious, when the teeth occlusal surface wear and neck defects close to or reach the pulp, the mouth's bacteria can enter the tooth tissue caused by pulpitis, periapical inflammation, tissue inflammation or swelling of facial software, causing pain.
Teeth sometimes difficult to find very fine cracks, when the crack depth to the dentin close to the pulp, often caused by pulpitis. Sometimes Characteristics of deciduous dental caries microcracks along the root apical direction for expansion, can occur periodontal infection or periodontal pocket formation, causing toothache.
In addition to wisdom teeth pericoronitis, abnormal central tip, lingual fossa malformations, dental hypoplasia, trauma can also cause toothache. Face adjacent organs such as maxillary sinusitis, temporomandibular joint disease, refractive errors, as well as trigeminal neuralgia, glossopharyngeal neuralgia often involves, radiation to the teeth, some people thought it was a pain, misdiagnosed.
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Food Sensitivities vs. Food Allergies: Which Do You Have?
Different people can have radically different reactions to a certain food, and while food allergies are quite rare, many more people are developing food sensitivities.
According to experts, at least 30% of us will experience some kind of food sensitivity in our lifetimes, which means it is important to keep an eye out for such episodes so we can prevent them in the future. Food sensitivities can cause reactions so varied they are not always recognized for what they are, so making a note of patterns will help you to identify your own sensitivities, if you have any.
An immediate and dramatic reaction such as throat swelling, burning or itching, rashes or other obvious signs of distress can identify a food allergy which has triggered an immune response and can be fatal if the individual is severely allergic and goes into anaphylactic shock and is not helped. This has been seen in people allergic to peanuts and peanut products, for example.
While food sensitivities or intolerances seem to be less serious than actual food allergies, they can actually trigger a host of other health challenges. Regular reactions from intolerances, such as gas, bloating, migraines, fatigue and soreness can contribute to chronic health issues if left unchecked. According to Healthy Living magazine, some studies are beginning to associate food sensitivities to increased severity of symptoms in conditions such as arthritis and asthma. If we regularly consume things which our bodies fight, we keep our systems in distress, which cannot lead to optimum health. A host of processes occur when we consume what our bodies consider to be toxins, and we are only beginning to understand the consequences in terms of the complexity and interconnectedness of our bodies' systems.
Common food sensitivities and their symptoms include:
Lactose intolerance: gas, bloating, abdominal pain or discomfort, diarrhea
Spicy foods: runny nose, sweating, sometimes sneezing
Beans or other legumes, cruciferous vegetables: gas, bloating
Alcohol, red wine, sulphites: headache, fogginess, temporarily stained teeth and gums (red wine)
Should you experience regular and painful reactions to certain foods, be sure and check with a physician, because these can be signs of more serious issues such as Crohn's disease, Celiac Disease or other intestine and/or bowel problems.
Some of the more common foods people have actual allergic reactions to include fish and shellfish, peanuts and other tree nuts, wheat, soy, oranges, strawberries, spinach, corn, tomatoes, and animal products such as beef, chicken, pork, eggs and dairy. Some reactions can be attributed to growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and other chemicals in certain foods, but again you should always check with your doctor to ensure you are not developing anything which might challenge your health in the future. Also, you may wish to try buying and eating organic produce to see if you have the same reactions.
(ArticlesBase SC #5020416)
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted By : Doni
Jumat, 22 Juli 2011
Natural Way to Clear Acne
We always throw away the orange peel, thinking it is of no use. But you are sadly mistaken. The properties present in the peel are beneficial for the skin. The first of the homemade acne treatment remedy is to ground orange peel and mix it with water. Apply this paste on and around the pimples.
Green tea is a great antioxidant and it can help reduce toxins and harmful chemicals from your body. Not just this, green tea also helps prevent acne. People in China and other Asian countries have been drinking green tea for medicinal purposes of thousands of years. Green tea not only prevents and cures acne but also helps improve your skin complexion. It also helps cure skin problems like eczema and psoriasis.
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Cleansing the skin properly is one of the most effective ways to deal with acne, but this in fact means ditching the soap. Not only is a bar of soap a good breeding ground for bacteria, but its alkaline properties will destroy the acid mantle of the skin, which is a layer of oils that protect against moisture loss and bacteria. A better option is to choose a good, gentle cleanser that will clean skin thoroughly without drying it. Herbal medicine is one of the best – and safest – means to treat many kinds of symptoms or diseases. One good herb for curing acne is basil. To prepare an infusion, add two teaspoons of dried basil leaves to one cup of boiling water. Let the leaves steep for 10-20 minutes. Drink the infusion three times a day.
But it's not just junk food that causes acne and eczema. There are many other foods that mainstream opinion considers to be healthy which are in fact most probably a big factor behind your skin problems. Many people find that when they cut out all dairy and grain products that their skin becomes much healthier after a few weeks and soon is completely clear.
There are theories all over the Internet that say foods you eat have are not directly correlated to acne severity. With that being said, I stopped eating greasy foods and combined with the rest of the steps I'm explaining my acne is completely gone. So take this step or leave it, but it certainly can't hurt!
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted By : Doni
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
Fat Burning Secrets - Your Weight is Not that Important
Fat Burning Secrets - Your Weight is Not that Important
That's correct folks. Your weight is not that important. Your body fat percentage is. What is body fat percentage? This is part of the composition of your body. Your body is composed of muscle and bones etc which makes up your lean body mass. Your body then has fat. The percentage of your total mass which is pure fat is called your body fat percentage.
Most people when they start a fat burning weight loss regime tend to concentrate on a goal weight. They focus on getting to this weight and don't realise that body composition is much more important.
Your body fat percentage is a much better indicator of your health. There are different recommendations for body fat percentage levels, but the following come from the American Council on Exercise.
An example of how body fat percentage is a much better indicator of health rather than something like BMI would be "fat skinny" people.
Say I am a woman who weighs 70kg and I am 168cm tall. My BMI of 24.4 tells me that I am in a normal weight range. I then go and measure my body fat percentage and the percentage of my body which is pure fat is 33%. This shows I am actually at risk. I have too much fat compared with lean mass on my body and so I am actually at risk even though BMI tells me I am normal weight range.
The same can go the other way say I am a male body builder who is 193cm tall and weighs 115kg. Of course this weight is muscle! My BMI would tell me that I am obese and yet when I do my body fat percentage testing I have a percentage of 8%. This actually means I am in the athlete class and not at all obese.
Focusing on body fat percentage rather than total mass is a much better option when setting goals. It is a much better indication on where you are health wise. The other reason is that muscle weighs more than fat and so sometimes when you build more lean mass you will see a gain on the scales which is actually good because it means your body fat percentage has dropped and you are healthier and leaner. Your muscles just weigh more!
An example of how body fat percentage is a much better indicator of health rather than something like BMI would be "fat skinny" people.
Say I am a woman who weighs 70kg and I am 168cm tall. My BMI of 24.4 tells me that I am in a normal weight range. I then go and measure my body fat percentage and the percentage of my body which is pure fat is 33%. This shows I am actually at risk. I have too much fat compared with lean mass on my body and so I am actually at risk even though BMI tells me I am normal weight range.
The same can go the other way say I am a male body builder who is 193cm tall and weighs 115kg. Of course this weight is muscle! My BMI would tell me that I am obese and yet when I do my body fat percentage testing I have a percentage of 8%. This actually means I am in the athlete class and not at all obese.
Focusing on body fat percentage rather than total mass is a much better option when setting goals. It is a much better indication on where you are health wise. The other reason is that muscle weighs more than fat and so sometimes when you build more lean mass you will see a gain on the scales which is actually good because it means your body fat percentage has dropped and you are healthier and leaner. Your muscles just weigh more!
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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
posted By : hertriadi