Planning a pregnancy is an exciting and sometimes anxiety producing time! You may be concerned that you won't conceive quickly or that you may need medical intervention. Use the four strategies below to increase your chances of getting pregnant fast and naturally, and before you know it, you'll be holding the newborn baby of your dreams!
1. Stay Hydrated. Your body produces cervical mucus each month that protects your partner's sperm and guides them through your reproductive system to the egg waiting in your fallopian tube. If you're not drinking enough water, your body may stop making cervical mucus to conserve moisture. This may impair your ability to conceive quickly and naturally. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, drink plenty of water so that your natural reproductive system can perform optimally.
2. Start a Preconception Notebook. To increase your odds of conceiving quickly and naturally, you need to track a few vital details about your unique fertility cycles. Journal the details of your menstrual periods, including when they start, how long they last, and how many days pass between your cycles. Also take note of the days you ovulate and the times you and your partner make love. These personal fertility statistics can prove very helpful to your doctor if you have trouble getting pregnant quickly.
3. Have Intercourse! This strategy probably sounds strikingly obvious, but many hopeful couples aren't making love at the optimal times to get pregnant naturally and quickly. After you ovulate, the window for conception is likely less then 24 hours. If you wait to have intercourse until the day you think you are ovulating, you are probably too late! Sperm can live and remain active in your fallopian tubes for 3 to 5 days. To increase your chances to conceive each month, your egg should be released to waiting sperm. Have intercourse daily, or every other day, in the four to five day window leading up to ovulation and one to two days after ovulation occurs. If you are having a difficult time pinpointing your monthly ovulation, track your signs of fertility or consider using an ovulation detector kit.
4. See Your OB - Don't wait until you see a positive pregnancy test before making an appointment with your family doctor or midwife. A pre-pregnancy visit can increase your odds of a quick and natural conception by allowing your health care provider to screen you for possible conception problems before they arise. She can also answer any questions you might have about trying to conceive and prescribe prenatal vitamins and a pre-pregnancy diet and exercise program that may help you conceive faster.
Enjoy this exciting time in your life and try not to become too anxious. Conceiving a baby may take a few months, but using these four strategies may help to get pregnant more quickly and naturally, without unnecessary medical intervention.
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posted by : doni
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halaman ini ditujukan untuk semua orang yang mencari informasi, atau Berbagi Pengetahuan atau menyampaikan Pendapat Tentang Kesehatan Ibu , Balita dan Anak. posting Artikel Anda atau apapun yang relevan dengan topik blog ini. Saran, kritik dan komentar Anda Sangat Kami Harapkan demi kebaikan dan untuk perbaikan blog ini. mohon maaf Bila Ada Kekurangan Dan Kesalahan dalam blog ini. Terima kasih.
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