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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

You Can Gender Test Your Unborn Child!

With only a few drops of your maternal blood you can find out if baby's sex is male or female. And you can do it as early as five weeks after conception with the newest technology in the area.

The technology has been tested for the last 14 years - and it works! I am amazed that it is possible. When I was pregnant the last time I got the test – which was very easy to understand and perform. The result came within less than 48 hours, and my husband and I was very happy to learn that I was carrying a baby girl. Our two sons were delighted about their baby sister to come. When the baby girl was born, we had made everything ready for her. No worries about getting pink or blue clothes.

The test is done with cutting-edge, patent-pending technology to attain the earliest gender detection with unprecedented sensitivity and unsurpassed accuracy.

The technique traces the amount of active genetic fetal chromosomal DNA in the maternal blood to determine gender. It is proven, well-documented scientific fact that your baby releases its DNA into your blood plasma. In a lab it is possible to determine fetus-originated-specific chromosome sequence detected in the maternal blood stream.

If there is fetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence detected in your blood, you are currently carrying at least one baby boy.

If fetus-originated X-specific chromosome sequence is detected in your blood, you are currently carrying at least one baby girl.

If there is a substantial amount fetus-originated Y-specific chromosome sequence detectable in your sample, indicating that you are carrying at least one baby boy and there is a substantial amount of fetus-originated X-specific chromosome sequence detected in your blood, indicating that you are carrying at least one baby girl. Then you are currently carrying at least one baby girl and boy at this time.

"I Thought I Was Infertile But Contrary To My Doctor's Prediction, I Got Pregnant Twice and Naturally Gave Birth To My Beautiful Healthy Children At Age 43, After Years of "Trying".
You Can Too! Here's How…"

Chinese Medicine Researcher, Alternative Health and Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and Former Infertility Sufferer Teaches You How To:

Get Pregnant Quickly and Naturally Within 2 Months

Give Birth to Healthy Babies

Reverse Both Female and Male Infertility Issues

Improve the Quality of Your Life Dramatically!

When I finally figured that out along with what was going on in the billion dollar a year Infertility and drug industries, I decided I had to take action so I put things on paper and began guiding other Infertility sufferers using this new system I developed. Now, for the first time ever, the same pregnancy system that helped thousands of women all over the world to get pregnant naturally and quickly, and give birth to healthy children, is available to you in a single, jam-packed, 240 page e-book:

a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 65,000+ hours of alternative medicine expertise with holistic and Chinese medicine research for getting pregnant quickly and naturally. This is a very rare, highly unique and potently powerful Infertility healing system, which very few women even know exists…

Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

posted By : Doni
Spesial for Hertriadi

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